Friday, November 7, 2008

The power of change

Change is a scary thing for many people; it creates unknowns in a known universe. However, even in a known universe, there are things that are not what they could be. How can anything get better if nothing changes? And why, just because something changes, does that have to mean that it will always be for the worst?

While I wasn't afraid of change, I was always wary of any change that I did not create or could not manage. Change was only acceptable if it was according to my rules or my time table. I thought that it was somehow reasonable to expect change to occur that way. Guess what... it doesn't? Change comes as it comes, for better and for worse. But sometimes change that does not seem positive or beneficial at the time turns out to be one of the best things that ever happened to you. Change is a constant and you can't stop it, but you can use it to be a springboard for growth and improvement no matter what it brings.

We cannot control what happens in most cases; outside forces and the whims of others are not subject to what we want. We can, however, control how we let them affect us and how we respond to them. By taking responsibility for how we react to change, we can shape change and its effect on our lives. Just because something happens that doesn't go along with what you think or feel things should be doesn't mean it is the end of the world. Don't make a situation that is merely uncertain into a negative one by acting out of fear; learn from it and use it to become better. Take time to think, then act in a way that maximizes your growth potential. Why should you hand your power over to someone or something else?

There is truth to the adage of mind over matter. Let your mind make change and the negative things that happen into positive learning experiences and opportunities to exert control over their outcomes. Walk away stronger and taller, with the confidence that the next time you are faced with adversity or the unknown, you will be just fine. Maybe even better than fine.