Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And yer OUT...

Ted Stevens, the Alaska senator who had been convicted on federal corruption charges, was narrowly denied re-election after a recount. This is as it should be- the state that promotes a woman governor who platformed as a maverick who wanted to change the way politics got done booted a man who pulled the typical political insider schtick. He put his votes up for sale to the highest bidder with the deepest pockets. And he went back for more.

The shocking thing to me is that he got any votes at all! In Florida, where a representative was outed for having not one, but two affairs, the incumbent's hopes for reelection went down in flames at the hands of an embarrassing defeat. He lost because he was exposed as a liar who lacked sound moral judgement. But weigh an affair or two against not only the allegations of bribe taking, but the CONVICTION IN COURT for it. I think lying to your wife with an affair isn't up to the same standard betraying the public trust and not doing the job you promised to do by putting the interests of your pocket ahead of their welfare. However, a large number of the people of Alaska do not agree with me and the majority of Floridians, voting differently when faced with a morally flawed incumbent.

This election displays just how out of touch Alaska is with the ideals of the rest of the US and how unsuitable a woman who chooses to immerse herself in that culture to the exclusion of all others is for the Presidency of the United States. How can she lead a people she has no way of understanding. Nowhere else in this country would Ted Stevens be almost re-elected, let alone be allowed to run in the race at all. He botched his job, pure and simple, yet was almost allowed to keep it. That makes no sense to me, as it would to most Americans. Yet in Alaska, for many in the land of Sarah Palin, it does.

That Ted Stevens, bless his heart, is really nice guy once you get to know him, dontcha know?

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