Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A historic day

While I recognized the importance and relevance of what may possibly happen today with the election of Barack Obama to the presidency, the impact of what it symbolised did not hit me until I heard the comments of a newscaster from one of the cable news channels. He was going on about being a proud "son of the South" and said that it hit him when his 6 year old daughter, upon hearing that Obama was taking Alabama in the polls, said, "Daddy, isn't that the place where they used to use water hoses on black people?" I saw then just how far we had come. While it saddens me that we have not come far enough to elect a woman, and that civil rights came for blacks before the feminist revolution gave equivalent rights to women, I am hopeful that one day a woman will be sitting in the Oval Office. Maybe in time for the 100th anniversary of the woman's right to vote, which did not happen until 1920. As long as it is not Sarah Palin... 'nough said, bless her gosh darn heart by golly!

I am also saddened for Mr. Obama at the death of his grandmother. That she was not able to see her grandson most likely get elected President tonight is a shame. I feel for him that he did not get the opportunity to share that milestone with her and that he has had to put his grief on hold.

I, like the rest of the country, especially those who cast their ballots early, will be sitting and waiting to see happens today.

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