Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stay tuned...

It's the Sarah show part 2, by golly. From her actions- scheduling interviews, blaming the Republican party for her defeat, positioning herself as a "change" candidate as opposed to the "business as usual" positioning of her party, being coy about her future plans- it is obvious that she thinks that she has a future in national politics. It should be no surprise that it shocks and dismays me. If she's serious, shouldn't she be spending the time to address the most widespread criticism of her- her lack of knowledge and experience? Shouldn't she be buckling down with books and reports, meeting with experts in the fields where she is lacking, and getting out there to show us that she is willing to do the homework that comes from the job by learning about other parts of the US and the world other than Alaska? Apparently that is not as important as milking her 15 minutes for all it is worth and acting like the talking empty head she has shown herself to be.

As women, we need to stand up and say NO. Sarah Palin does not represent the best of us or the best in us. She is a caricature full of naive beliefs, insolence, self-righteousness, and catchphrases fronted by a pretty face topped by a beehive. The ability of women to handle the presidency will be judged by this talking head should she ever be elected and her election could very well prevent another woman from leading this country for a long time to come. But I don't think that legacy and responsibility for consequences are something Mrs. Palin concerns herself with, bless her heart. Her stance toward raping the pristine Alaskan wilderness she claims to love, the consequence of the lack of sex education for teens that is living in her own home, and the long term polarizing effects of blaming her party for her own failures bear this out.

Mrs. Palin, to me, is far from a role model- she is a walking cautionary tale of what can happen when you give ambition on hairspray fumes a stage. Dontcha know, hairspray fumes are flammable; let's hope that ambition and the bright lights of fame do not set them off. The resulting fire could burn us all, you betcha.

1 comment:

Shaun said...

You are soooo on point gosh darnit!