Monday, November 17, 2008

The Sins of the Husband

On MSNBC and other media outlets, a topic of discussion has been going around that, frankly, disturbs me. It shows that while with the election of Barack Obama to the presidency we have come to a place of equality that we have not reached before, we still have a long way to go. The question being asked is if the "sins" of Bill Clinton will prevent Hillary Clinton from achieving the post of Secretary of State. It wasn't, "Is she qualified?" It wasn't, "Will she do a good job?" It was if her husband's past will torpedo her. Bush's daughters were underage party girls, but no one questioned his skills as a father when considering his fitness to be president. Gerald Ford had an alcoholic wife, but that didn't matter. Senator John Warner was married to a multiple divorcee who was a known adulteress, but he was elected by Virginians while he was married to Elizabeth Taylor. There are plenty of other examples of men who were elected into office with wives or family members who carried considerable baggage, but who were never questioned on their ability to do their job because of it. If it were a man who was up for the position and his wife was the public figure, would this even be a topic of discussion?

I was wondering- when was Bill up for the job? I might be mistaken, but I thought Hillary was. Shouldn't it be Hillary's record, contributions, experience, and judgement that should be the issue? Last time I checked Hillary had no problem showing the State of New York as their elected Senator that she could think and act for herself. She has shown us all in the last eight years that she is very much her own person and that, while her and Bill may agree on a lot of things, she is not his puppet.

In his own autobiography, Bill made it quite clear that Hillary, not him, had the better political mind. Before her husband was elected President, Hillary was routinely listed as one of the 100 most influential attorneys in the US and she is an Ivy League school grad. Bill didn't go to Wellesley with her and help her take her exams. Bill did not attend law school with her and sit in the classroom with her. Bill did not go into the courtroom with her and argue her cases for her. Bill did not sit in her Senate seat and vote for her. Bill did not tour the US, stump, and give her speeches for her during the Democratic primary. She did that all by and for herself.

That said, somehow now the bad acts of her husband is more important than what she has achieved? What an insult! Hillary had the strength to be one of the standard bearers for women's rights at a time when women still weren't recognized for having any. Sarah Palin would never have even been on her party's ticket if it weren't for Hillary and the other women out there like her.

Hillary is taking a big chance politically by seriously considering the position of Secretary of State under President Obama. If the Obama administration is not successful, she is torpedoing her chances at a 2012 or 2016 nomination. Her close ties to Obama would be as much of a liability for her as Condoleeza Rice's ties to Bush are for her chances at higher office. Hillary must see that public service and getting things done are the more important consideration and that she could be a valuable part of the Obama team. She must feel a level of confidence in Barack Obama that is allowing her to be a part of the team.

Women have come a long way; we have had 2 female Secretaries of State. But women have not come far enough to be considered the master of their own thoughts and destinies except as an appendage of their spouses. For shame, America!

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