Saturday, November 22, 2008

Obama swings to mid field, some cry foul

What is wrong with people? Now that Obama has been given the mandate to govern the whole of the United States, not just the liberal wing, extremists on both sides are unhappy. The extreme right wants him to be an uber-liberal so he can fall on his face and give them a chance to say "See, we told you so. Come back to us and we'll do better." The extreme left saw him as the savior for all of their plans that they have had on hold for the last 8 years. He never ran as an extreme liberal- the "socialist" badge was pinned on him by conservative politicians and their media pundits.

Fortunately, Obama has realized that tackling the issues of the day that plague the country as a whole should be, and is, his main focus. He knows that the stakes are higher than just his reelection chances. He understands that this country, and subsequently the world, are poised on the brink of a serious crisis. Missteps could be extremely costly for a long time to come. However, there is also an opportunity to make the fundamental changes necessary to ensure the fiscal, military, and ecologic health of this nation for generations to come. It is an exciting, but scary, time to be president.

Obama is on the right track to do what he needs to do. We, and the pundits, should let him do it. Save the criticisms for when he actually does something wrong. He is a pragmatist- the ultimate criticism of his actions are the results. So far, he is giving all indications that he intends to go a good job FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY AS A WHOLE. And that is by playing to center field.

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