Thursday, November 27, 2008


First of all, sorry for the delay. Under the weather and dealing with a short week at work, but not in the workload.

Today, Thanksgiving, has become a big holiday for me. While the food is always great (I don't think we have a single bad cook in the family... well ok, we rock in the kitchen!), I have come to appreciate what Thanksgiving has come to stand for more and more as the years go by. Thanksgiving is the one holiday that has not become infested by the spirit of commercialism. That doesn't start until tomorrow. It is the holiday that is most like the way holidays used to be- a time to gather with the ones you love and celebrate that togetherness over a terrific communal meal. I think people subconsciously respond to that, which is why this weekend has the busiest travel days of the year in it.

The gathering of the family and the reflection on what I am thankful for are the things I love most about today. I am blessed to have a wonderful, loving, and supportive family. While we have all had our rough patches with each other and have had to do some work to understand and appreciate each others as individuals, we have always loved each other. I can honestly say that there is not a single person who will be around that table that I don't genuinely like as well. I know that is rarer than it should be. I need to repeat- I am blessed.

I have so much to be thankful for, some of which I often take for granted: my health, my talents, my relationship with God, the love and support of my family, the friends I have come to realize are all around me, and, most of all, my son. I have been fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to learn much and to have the hope of learning more. I have been lucky enough to have met with people along the way who have helped me and inspired me. I have been given the gift of opened eyes, so that I can see and appreciate all this. I have a wonderful life, even if it is not perfect or what I envisioned it to be. Again I say, I am blessed; possibly even more than I deserve to be.

Today is a day to focus on what's good in your life. There will be plenty of time to focus on what's not, but not today. Let the spirit of Thanksgiving fill your heart. Take a moment to reflect on the people you have met and that are in your life, the opportunities you have had, the occasions of love and generosity you have experienced, and give thanks. No matter what your circumstances are, you have something to be thankful for; something that someone else out there wishes they had. Take that moment of positivity and good feeling and celebrate it.

So, I ask you what I will ask those around the dinner table this afternoon: what are you thankful for?


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