Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jonestown- 30 years later

Even as a child, I remember Jonestown and the shock, frustration, and anger many had over the news of the massacre there. A group of people left this country to follow a man and a way of living only to die in a combination mass suicide/murder. Everyone was asking things like what caused them to leave, why did this man have so much power over them, and what could be so awful that they would choose to die? People stopped and took a look at cults and realized that there was a great deal to confront about themselves and the society we live in since we helped to create the massacre that occurred.

The sad thing is that 30 years later, things have not changed for the better. There are still large groups of people who are searching for someone or something to give them hope and a reason for being. Who look at the images in the media of what life is supposed to be and find theirs lacking. Who, even though they have much, see that all of the stuff they thought would bring them happiness and fulfillment were nothing more than vessels of empty promise. Jim Jones came into their lives and promised them he could bring them what they sought and they followed him like lambs to the slaughter. One can only hope that they found in death what they could not find in life.

Everyone has their own quiet moments of doubt and pain; that is a necessary part of growth and change, a part of life. The problem comes when they begin to look for solutions outside of themselves. A friend of mine will not enter into the serious relationship he truly needs because he "can't bring security" due to the fact that he is in the military. I told him that security is not an outward condition you can bring to someone, it is one they create, from inside themselves. It is a peace you foster when you open their eyes to the world as it is, accept it, make what changes you can, and learn from the rest. Only you have the power to create security for yourself.

Other than friends and those you love, the rest of what you need is very basic and most of it you already have inside of you. Food, clothing, and shelter are needs, the rest is the fulfillment of wants and desires. It is okay to want, but when your wants become a substitute or salve for the lack of a positive relationship with yourself, that's when things start to get tricky. We all have the power to love and be loved, to give of ourselves, to understand and show compassion to all (including ourselves), and to affect positive change in the present. It is all right here inside each of us- the source of joy and contentment that exists in human beings alone.

Living a life of love, generosity, kindness and compassion can be a challenge at first, because it flies in the face of much of what we are taught and the images the media bombards us with. But like any life change, once it becomes a habit, making good choices based on these motivations for living is no longer hard. It just is the way you live. It is a way of hope- in yourself, in others, in the world; hope that is in short supply these days.

Look inside yourself, for all that you believe is right and good with the world and within mankind. Then, let it out. Share it with others. Powerful things will happen; and while it may not make you a millionaire or give you status, the joy that it brings will make the fact that you do not have those things irrelevant. You will have what every millionaire and VIP wants- true contentment.

Your journey begins today. Good luck and best wishes!

1 comment:

Shaun said...

Funny...this is so appropriate for what we talked about today. Forwarding this to her NOW...