Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seas of change

In the last few days, I have read some disturbing things about global warming; a phenomenon that many fiscal hawks are still saying doesn't exist. The Arctic ice has been melting at an alarming rate and the average temperature has risen in the Northern extremes by anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees. This melting has already caused an environmental impact in that area, as demonstrated by the plight of the polar bear. In other areas, the rising sea has forced residents of two Pacific Islands to be permanently relocated, as well as forcing the relocation of an Alaskan village that has been in existence for 400 years.

But what does it have to do with me, you say. I don't live in a coastal area (but a huge percentage of the Earth's population does). You would be astounded by how important it is that the Arctic environment and waters stay cold. The coldness of the water there is key in the movement of the Earth's tides and the enrichment of the ocean waters, which all marine life needs to survive. The tides help to create air movement and weather patterns. These things are critical to the current and future health of Earth.

How does this happen? Well all the water in the oceans eventually finds its way to the Arctic, where it becomes cold. The warm water stays on top and the cold water sinks, like a giant conveyor belt. I watched a documentary where you actually saw the sea folding- fascinating stuff. This turnover fed the currents worldwide, constantly moving enriched water from one place to another in constant movement throughout the world's oceans. If you raise the temperature of the Arctic and its waters, this folding of cold water under warmer water does not happen. Eventually the Earth's ocean's would become stagnant, which would negatively affect the water quality and the ocean's sustainability of marine life. While you may not eat a lot of fish, many around the world depend on it, and marine animals and plants form a major part of the food chain so it would eventually affect us all.

Take the time to read up on global warming- the potential impact it could have is staggering. Look at how you can do your part in keeping the impact of your daily life to a minimum. Any reduction in greenhouse gasses is a good one and can save you money to boot. Become aware of the environmental views of your representatives and hold them accountable for their votes. Let government and corporations know how you feel about policies and actions that harm the environment. Support the politicians and corporations who try to safeguard the environment with your dollars and votes.

You take care of yourself and your loved ones; don't forget to take care of the planet that takes care of you.

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