Monday, February 23, 2009

Since I'm blogging on the Political Simpleton...

I'll save the more personal stuff for here. This is the place where I can riff on the thoughts and observations on people, thoughts, and feelings.

Been on an online dating site- got depressed on Valentine's Day and wanted to give it a shot. It's been interesting to say the least. Men are funny (but I'm sure they think that way about us). These are guys who are serious enough about looking for someone that they have taken the trouble to put a profile online and check it. Some have even come out and said they are looking for a long term relationship. For a guy to actually come out and declare that, that he's looking for a serious relationship; that's some major stuff. Most guys want to be able to leave a foot outside the door, so they'll say they're interested in dating so they can always come back with they weren't looking for anything serious when the girl they've been dating wants more.

Anyway, in the curse of only a week I have been intently pursued and then mysteriously rejected by 4 different guys. For anyone who has done online dating before, you know the one- he fills up your inbox and wants responses, says he wants to know all about you, maybe even wants your number or gives you his, and then POOF!. In a puff of smoke he is gone, as quickly as he appeared...

Or the one that wants to talk right away because he is too busy to email. Then dude, why are you on an ONLINE dating site, where communication is done via email. Would you call someone who came up to you on the street, said two sentences to you and gave you their number? Heck, no, but this guy who says he is looking for a long term relationship, whose profile heading is "Looking for a wife and mother" thinks that is reasonable. If he has no patience for exchanging a couple of emails, does he have the patience to deal with a colicky baby. Somehow I think not...

We won't even go into the guys who are of a certain age, who are totally average in looks and not the most fit specimens (but claim to be average or athletic- compared to who, men in a retirement home?), yet feel that they should be dating a woman under the age of 28, is hot looking, who wears a size 2 or 4 and has a c cup or better, and who could get any guy she wants. This woman will be mature, independent, have a stable job, is not high maintenance, and is happy dating a completely average guy with nothing special going for him in the looks or money department. I find it inspiring that there are people who are capable of such strong irrational faith in this world- or completely frightening...

Or the ones who think that the way to a girl's heart is by completely insulting her and pissing her off, cause "we all like a challenge". If he treats me kindly from the get go, I might expect it. Better to let me know what I'm getting into from the start, I mean who can't respect that kind of honesty...

There's more stories in the naked city, but I will peel them off one by one like the layers of an onion. And like an onion, they are stinky and can make you cry if you let them...

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