Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Random Things...

I saw an online article yesterday complaining about this new thing sweeping Facebook called 25 Random Things About _____ . The article went off on how trivial and self serving it was and made fun of the whole thing. I can't say as I agree. I and a number of people I know have made and posted our lists. On the whole, these are people I have not seen in a very long time and am reestablishing contact with. Even though I have always remembered them fondly, I have not been an active part of their lives for as much as 25 years. I have learned so much about them from these lists, things that make me see and appreciate them in a light that I may never had if this list did not exist. For that, I am grateful.

There is so much to a person and what defines them, a unique combination of personality and experience. So much of what shapes a person, especially who they are inside, can be small things that have a huge impact, but are not "important" enough to become a part of conversation. I read so many things that surprised, impressed, and moved me that would never come up in a call or email and things in common I never would have suspected or thought of asking about. I have such greater appreciation for the people who have been a part of my life; people who I thought were just accidentally placed there. It seems that it may not be so accidental. Even if I never see or speak to these people again, I have learned something from them all which will always make them valuable to me. I have been allowed to see into who they are, what they value, and what makes them unique and special. This seemingly trivial act, the making of this list, has given me far more than I ever could have imagined. I hope that all of the people I know make this list. I look forward to the little treasures they will leave behind.

Thank you to whoever started this list. You have connected me to a world I would not have known existed.

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