Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here we go again...

While I am not familiar with all 600+ line items in Obama's stimulus plan and I'm sure that there are some things that may bear some legitimate scrutiny, I find it hard to believe that it is so bad that not a single House Republican could see enough merit in it to vote for its passage. Yet, that is just what has happened.

Remember just 8 weeks ago (my, how time has flown) when after the election, Republicans everywhere were doing the bipartisan cooperation dance. Speeches and comments right and left began with "What this country needs is an end to the bipartisan bickering..." House Democrats took out and added some items into the plan to address Republican concerns, but that was still not enough. If the plan was going to be voted for and passed by Democrats alone, no matter what changes were made, then why should the Democrats have made any changes at all? And if House Republicans were not going to vote for the plan anyway, no matter what, why suggest any changes?

If it weren't so important and have such impact, I'd think this behavior was worth a good laugh. I certainly would be laughing if, as I have witnessed many a time, I saw this behavior between my 3 year old nephew and 6 year old niece. But between grown adults it is just pathetic. The Republicans seem to still want to do things their way. The American public spoke loud and clear about what they thought about that way of doing things, but apparently the Republicans chose not to listen. Americans voted for change. Maybe the Republicans on Capitol Hill should listen to the voice of the American people and embrace a policy of change, with their role being the guardians of reason who temper the fire of radical change into something workable and sustainable.

Maybe if they were to handle this delicate time with grace and positive effectiveness, they may have a shot at getting some voters to take a good, fresh look at them again. As it is, since the election, I have seen nothing but the same old petty, vindictive schtick that I was already tired of. I have a few words for the Republican guard : stop whining, stop being negative, and DO SOMETHING! Don't just cross your arms and sulk, with an "if I can't make the rules, I don't wanna play" attitude. Wake up, grow up, and put up. America needs you, as they need all of its servants, to stand up and take action, to inspire and lead, to provide an example of how to take courage and fashion it into a better life for us all.

America has a chance to show what it is made of, to be our highest self. Our representatives should be the first and best reflection of this. If this is how they choose to take up the mantle, then I say throw them out. Which is exactly what I, and other voters, will do this coming November and the ones to follow.

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