Thursday, October 16, 2008

Finding the benefits of age...

PHILS ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!! You can take the girl out of Philly , but you can't take Philly out of the girl....

I am finding, except for the minor aches and pains and the fine lines, that I am enjoying getting older. There's a time in your life when you begin to come into your own. A time when you begin to truly be who you are. A time where you stop making apologies and excuses, to yourself and others. A time where the only expectations you feel you need to meet are your own. Where you decide which people, things, and responsibilities truly matter. I have reached that time in my life, and for the first time since I was a child, I am ME. And I like it.

I look back and see that there are things I could have done differently, maybe even should have done differently. If I had, however, I would not be who I am today and have the wonderful people and things that I have in my life. While I am far from finished with my life, I appreciate the experiences I have had, good and bad. The good experiences have been a source of joy and hope and the bad ones are the ones I have learned the most from. I wouldn't trade the pain for the lessons I have taken away. I just make sure to make good use of those lessons and to avoid those situations in the future. I am a work in progress and it has taken me almost 38 years to get where I am today.

I consider myself fortunate and am grateful. For me, every day is Thanksgiving (minus the day off and turkey- darn.) There was always a measure of triteness in all those sayings about being thankful for what you have, but not anymore. I see the wisdom in it now.

At the end of the day, one truth remains. It is not about me. Yes, I am me and I live life through my own experience of it, but the purpose of my life does not revolve around me. I am like a piece of the puzzle; I am unique and have my particular place where I fit. The puzzle may not be able to be whole without me, so I am necessary, but in the end I am a part of the puzzle. So it is with life and the world. I am part of it all, a necessary part, but I would have no value without it. The purpose of my life is to find my place, my part in the grand scheme of things, and do my best to fill it.

At one point in my life, youthful ego would have made this hard to accept, but not anymore. I realize that it is not a statement about me or my worth, but placing everything in perspective. I have a finite time on this earth, it is my duty to do what I can while I am here to improve it, and then to move on and let others take their rightful place. As long as the whole lives on, I and my contributions are immortal. How neat is that?

If this is 37, instead of dreading getting older, I can't wait to see what's next!

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