Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On a personal note...

What is it about love, the passionate love that two people share? How can it be so desired and yet so feared? Why is it so simple, yet so complicated? Why is it so important in our lives, but we spend so much time convincing ourselves that it isn't and we don't need it just so we can protect ourselves? Why do people want someone to love them for who they really are, yet be anyone other than who they really are in order to get the object of their love to love them? Why do people die for it, but also die without it?

If I had the answers to those questions, I'd be a millionaire and my blog would be read by a lot more people than it is now. I wish I could say I understand that kind of love, but to understand it you have to have experienced it and know that you were at the time is was happening so that you could take note of the experience. Since that has not happened to me, then I can't say I understand that kind of love. I can Monday morning quarterback with the best of em, but that's about as far as it goes. So much needs to align in order to experience true love, it's amazing that it happens at all. You have to be in the right place at the right time, both physically and metaphorically in your own life, and meet the right person. And that person has to have the same thing happen. When you think about it that way- WOW! Maybe getting struck by lightening doesn't seem so rare of an occurrance after all, or I have really pointed out how remarkable an occurance true love is; I'm over 35, so it has been said that the two happen at about the same frequency.

They both happen often enough to make people afraid to go out into a thunderstorm with an umbrella and to spend a lot of time and money hoping that we will meet the One. Unfortunately, they do not happen often enough in MY life. However, hope is something I try to keep in plentiful supply in my life, so you never know...

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